Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and want some simple tools to help you feel more like yourself? 

✓ tackle hot flushes, insomnia, weight and anxiety
✓ take control of change with clarity and calm
✓ plan for a positive menopause


gain a deeper understanding of how to unlock the power of your mind to navigate peri-menopause with clarity and confidence.

Launches October 28th 2024

Are you feeling anxious, lacking in clarity and want to feel more like yourself: 

Learn how to: 

✓ reduce anxiety
✓ improve sleep
✓ manage weight

+ gain a deeper understanding of how to unlock the power of your mind to navigate peri-menopause with clarity and confidence.

Would you like to go through peri-menopause feeling:

➔ calm
➔ confident
➔ energised

If you answered YES, then I'm glad you're here.
I'm a bestselling author and award winning clinical hypnotherapist. Over 100k people have downloaded and used my tracks and I've trained over 800 practitioners who also teach my methods. 
This course will help you to unlock your powerful inner resources with unique hypnosis tools and tailor-made hypnosis tracks. 
You can train your mind to help you tackle anything from hot flushes to anxiety and weight-gain and I'm going to show you how in this groundbreaking course. 

Seems to good to be true?

It's actually a lot easier than you think - simply by following the right strategy you'll see results! This program is unlike anything you've tried before.  I focus on tackling  habits and behaviours outside of your conscious awareness that may be holding you back and show you just how powerful your mind can be at this stage of your life. 

Level up your mind

Discover this awesome tool from an expert. Learn how self-hypnosis can help you change your experience of peri-menopause. Self-hypnosis can help with anxiety, pain, hot flushes, insomnia and much more. You brain has an incredible ability to alter your experience of peri-menopause.

Manage weight

You think you know what to eat and you think you know how to exercise but the weight isn't shifting. That's because the habits you have don't work. Create automatic habits, and boost motivation that gets results. Change can happen without you even having to think about it. 

Brain fog

Looking for you glasses and find they are on your head? It's probably not dementia and you're not going mad, But grey matter does reduce as oestrogen drops. Learn mindfulness techniques to improve clarity help maintain grey matter and support memory. 

Increase confidence

Is anxiety stopping you driving or travelling to places you want to go. Or do you feel anxious all the time?  Learn unique mindset tools to reduce anxiety in the moment and get back in the driving seat of your life. 

Reduce hot flushes

Have you been in meetings where you can feel the panic as you start to visibly sweat?  Hypnosis reduces hot flushes in >70% of women.  Learn how with simple and effective mindfulness and hypnosis. 

Improve sleep 

Do you wake up at night scrolling your phone? Do you often worry about feeling exhausted the next day?  Wouldn't it be life-changing to discover the secret to feeling energised in peri-menopause. With this course you can! 

Why hypnosis and mindfulness can help you take a different  approach in peri-menopause?

Peri-menopause without hypnosis:

 insomnia is often medicated and treated without consideration of peri-menopause and may still leave you exhausted or getting anxious about being able to function the next day

➔ usual weight-loss goals may actually make you stay the same, or even gain weight around your middle that is difficult to shift no matter how much exercise you do

hot flushes can be improved by HRT and other medications. CBT which shows a 15% improvement in severity and frequency of hot flushes

anxiety is addressed with HRT and CBT but approaches are often non-specific and fail to tackle the areas of your life impacted and reduced by anxiety

brain fog is often tackled with HRT without the important lifestyle habits that matter

Peri-menopause combined with hypnosis:

➔ an integrated approach to sleep and rest that will energise and reinvigorate you, freeing you from 3am anxiety scrolling. You'll learn how to rest your mind even when you are awake, boosting energy and focus. 

➔ learn what your body needs at this stage in life, explore weight-loss tools that meet those needs and listen to audio-tracks that create menopause friendly automatic habits

➔ a hot flush protocol which shows > 80% reduction in hot flushes using hypnotic imagery alongside powerful audio-tracks creating deep without you even thinking about it

➔ you are shown you easy to use hypnotic exercises that alter anxiety pathways in your brain and tackle specific aspects of anxiety like driving

➔ learn how to maintain grey matter with proven mindset tools 

What three main doubts do people have about hypnosis?

Loss of control

It is about mind control, but it's about you learning to control your own mind and body. When you choose to be open to hypnosis you are able to create incredible positive change to happen in your body and mind. 

It's just pseudo-science. 

Let's drop the pseudo!  Hypnosis is very well evidenced now. I'm careful to work with what I know is evidenced, but I also do see some unexpected changes that astound me. It's a state of focused attention and concentration. Hypnosis is being used by medical professionals more and more. 

It's just breathing and relaxation

No it's not. It's much more than that. You'll learn how to use self-hypnosis to accelerate changes in your peri-menopause brain which create changes in brain chemistry. You'll feel lifted, connected with your body, clear-headed and a lot calmer. 

Imagine what it will feel like as:

  • Your body starts to respond, and you feel a shift in balance
  • Your energy levels increase and you feel more active
  • You enjoy deeper restorative sleep and you wake up ready for the day ahead feeling calm
  • You automatically create new healthy habits without you even thinking about it 
  • Your confidence and self-esteem grows as you learn to manage different aspects of menopause like hot flushes and anxiety

What would it be worth to you, to feel like you are embarking on an exciting and powerful chapter of your life feeling energised and in control?


You'll be shown how to teach yourself hypnosis so that you can adapt the tools to other as of peri-menopause that are unique to you. This goes beyond other coaching courses and levels up your brain for impactful and powerful change. 


Hypnosis audio-tracks accelerate change, and embed suggestions from which new habits grow.  A mix of long relaxing tracks to short conditioning tracks that support your practice so change is easier than it's ever been. This is the secret ingredient to change! 


This is the closest that you can get to going through a reflective process without being guided by a therapist. This lightbulb process, helps you see things from a different perspective, helps you to stop, reflect, reframe and change your response to aspects in your life that are challenging you. 

Here's what my work has meant to others...


You are magic...I woke up at 3.30am again last night! Did my usual and put insight timer on and couldn't settle then have a brain wave -I'll put another Sophie Track on. Sophie - I just woke up at 8.15am. Howly wowsers in my trousers. Best sleep I've had in months! 


I felt like I went from 80% of my power to 100%.  The tools Sophie uses are incredible and she's really cares about the people she works with.


Sophie is the QUEEN of hypnosis and hormones.  I used her hypnobirthing and am now ready for this.  Totally blown away - after doing hypnobirthing as well this is saying hello to an old friend! LOVE IT! 


I have driven on my own -  with complete ease and actually enjoyed it 😊.  This is a journey I hadn’t done alone for years . I was over the moon! 

By the end of the mindful menopause course you'll:

  • recognise the signs of perimenopause and be powerfully connected with your body
  • able to release anxiety so you can live a more fulfilled life in your 40's 50's and beyond
  • creating healthy unconscious patterns around food and exercise that support your well-being in the next stage of your life
  • able to use self-hypnosis imagery and mindfulness to manage the challenges of perimenopause
  • sleeping better and feeling more rested

Book a clarity call with me

I'm happy to hop on a call and have a chat about any questions you might have. 

Book a call

Let's take a look at what's inside

Module 1: Course Introduction

Here you'll get a warm welcome to the course, set your objectives and go through the outline of the course and how to access it, both on a table, desktop or app. You'll also be introduced to journaling through the course as reflective exercise. 

Module 2: Hypnosis, mindfulness and meditation

Here I'll debunk myths about hypnosis and show you how this life-changing therapy works.  This is the part where you start to realise just how exciting this change can be.  I'll introduce you to the energetic differences between hypnosis for change, and mindfulness for mind maintenance during peri-menopause.

Module 3: What's going on?  Mapping your menopause.

Where are you in your journey.  Are you simply feeling a bit irritable and looking at preparation and prevention, desperate for a good nights sleep. This creates the foundations for a balanced approach and teaches you tools to get the best out of your healthcare provider. 

Module 4: Setting your intention for a positive menopause. 

Learn why the beliefs you have around menopause can change your experience and set a powerful intention with a beautiful guided track for a transformative experience. 


Module 5: Your Menopause Toolkit

Get ready to dive in to this module which is a catalyst for change. Discover tools that are simple but can create a breakthrough in how you change your thoughts, feelings and ultimately your life. 

Module 6: Your perimenopause audio-tracks

A range of expertly recorded and crafted audio-tracks that connect with your deep wisdom and intention for a positive experience. Whether it's letting go of anxiety, creating a space for moments of calm, or learning self-hypnosis, these tracks support you, unlocking the  powerful midlife potential to stand confidently in your power. 

Module 7: Applying the tools to menopause

Is anxiety stopping you from living a full life? Wide awake at 3am worrying about being exhausted the next day? Gaining weight whatever you do? Worried about your memory?  Mortified at work as hot flushes erupt in important meetings? In this section you can dive in and apply the tools to your specific circumstances.  Simple solutions to what may seem complex issues! 

Module 8: Maintaining transformation

Creating change means having meaning and motivation to change habits of a lifetime. In this section I'll show you how you can create  the space for change in an already busy life. This course is not a quick fix, it's life changing. Are you ready for that? 

* PLUS *

I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you get the transformation you want. 

Discounted 1-2-1 sessions

If you feel you need to deeper work you can book at a session with me at for £80 £60

A whatsapp community 

You'll get access to a whatsapp community to ask questions and connect with others, perhaps you'll even find some likeminded people local to to you. 

Here's what's included in
The Mindful Menopause Course

With this program you'll get:

1. 10 hypnosis downloads 

2.  8 modules that teach how to use self-hypnosis effectively

3. Beautiful Mindful Menopause workbook

3. Unique techniques that I teach in one to one sessions 

4. Visuals to boost unconscious learning 

5. Get weekly tips straight to your phone through a whatsapp community 

⬇︎for this ⬇︎



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I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Are you ready to transform your peri-menopause ?

 Get started today.  By tonight you can be listening to a track and starting to understand the incredible power of self-hypnosis to take the next chapter of your life to another level. 
I'll see you on the inside!
Yes! I'm Ready

Are you ready to take charge of your peri-menopause?

Just one more step to find calm in the midst of a hot flush, get a good nights sleep, tackle new challenges with confidence, or address brain fog. 

I'll see you on the inside!
👉 Yes! I'm Ready

One off Payment


Top features

  • 8 modules 
  • learn self-hypnosis
  • 10 hypnosis audio-tracks
  • tackle hot flushes, sleep, anxiety, weight and more
  • discounted 1-2-1 sessions
  • downloadable journal 
  • available online 
  • monthly online group community support 
  • audio-track requests
  • lifetime access