£40.00 GBP

Mindful Hypnobirthing with Sophie Fletcher

This is an everything included hypnobirthing course

What you'll get:

  • 9 Modules with captioned videos
  • 25+ downloadable hypnobirthing tracks (pick what you need)
  • Downloadable practice cards, journal and learning guide
  • Additional tracks for multiple births and VBAC
  • Fabulous tools and techniques created by Sophie which complement her bestselling book Mindful Hypnobirthing
  • Additional content on how to use the tools for a caesarean birth, induction or other interventions 
  • Direct access to Sophie Fletcher 
  • Free live online weekly hypnobirthing class
  • access to all on the content on your phone with an easy to download app
  • Access for 12 months

Please note:  This course does not replace your healthcare provider.  it is designed to create calm and confidence. 

As a digital course this is non-refundable.

Important:  If you wish to receive course announcements please make sure that you subscribe to the email list. 

What People Are Saying:

My mum gave me your book. I literally was afraid of everything - birth, needles, hospitals, spiders, bees, anything that I deemed could cause me pain. I thought it was worth a try as it wasn’t going to take anything away. Then I got hooked on the science behind it all and the hormones of birth. Your work completely changed my life.

Big baby induction pressure. And I also was advised of the risk of shoulder dystocia and offered a caesarean. as I waited to be induced I had a two hour labour and breathed through the whole way! I used your book and your techniques. I visualised the whole time during contractions and imagined a small boy on a surf board riding each wave. Each contraction wave I get closer to meeting my baby! Thank you so much for all your expertise and hard work you are amazing and changing women’s lives everywhere! 🥳🥳🥳

I recommend Sophie Fletcher’s hypnobirthing course to all my independent midwifery clients because I love Sophie’s calm, kind and evidence-based approach. I have witnessed many instances where Sophie’s methods have been helpful for women, in the hospital and home birth settings. Dr Nicky Grace

We beat the induction clock/deliberations & amazingly went into labour on our own last night at 37 weeks! (As well as my body proving it could do it after all, I am giving serious credit to some clary sage oil!!) Fabulous birth with continuous monitoring, but just gas & air & my goodness your voice and techniques guided me through! An enormous thank you! 

Sophie’s is the only voice I like to listen to. It is soft, calm and with no annoying inflections to her voice that some others have. It means I can truly relax without being put off by an annoying voice.