Professional Training


(Perinatal Psychologist)
Sophie is so full of passion and enthusiasm which really helped me to learn. I also liked her style of teaching which was loose and diverse and full of examples and her experiences. At the same time it was boundaried and well structured.


I discovered this course after looking after a primap with a long and difficult labour. Over the next couple of years I could almost predict who had prepared with Mindful Hypnobirthing  - they were so calm and coped with whatever labour threw at them. 


I trained in other courses but would highly recommend this as it promotes women centred care and effective partnerships between the women, partners and their midwives. I particularly love that it is so easy to understand and teach.

Book a free clarity call. 

Book a free 15 minute clarity call in if you want to have a chat about any of my training.
I'd like to ask you to some questions

Mindful Hypnobirthing

Teacher Training - RCM Accredited

Based on my groundbreaking and bestselling book, I train people to teach mindful hypnobirthing and mindful menopause in the NHS and privately.  
My hypnobirthing training as been described as "radically different" to other hypnobirthing training courses. And it is. 
I'm going to be honest with you and say that I don't agree with the way that hypnobirthing is represented or taught. The families I work with want a transformational experience, and are prepared to do the preparation that can really create life long changes in well-being for them and their family. The teachers I train are able to support them in this. 
This is not an antenatal course with some breathing, relaxation alongside scripts read by their partner. 
My approach is an integrative and flexible one that enables each practitioner to explore the breadth of hypnotherapeutic application to perinatal hypnosis and to work with the most vulnerable women and families. 
My focus is on:
  • evidence based practice 
  • focus on the mindset tools, building confidence with hypnosis. 
  • support - I run a post training mentoring programme 
  • easy maintenance of skills and CPD
  • fantastic grounding in perinatal hypnosis
  • flexibility of tools and techniques for a positive pregnancy and birth whatever the outcome
  • clear distinction between mindfulness and hypnosis
You'll be given a structure that also helps you to hold your clients safely.  
If you are a hypnotherapists, coaches, yoga teachers, doulas, midwives, psychologists, doctors. Some are also mothers who have experienced hypnobirthing themselves and want to create a business they build up around their family. 

Mindful Hypnobirthing Next Training Dates  

  • May 10th -11th (Online)1pm-7pm (GMT/BST)/8am-2pm (EST)
  • September 20th and 21st - live online1pm-7pm (GMT/BST)/8am-2pm (EST)
  • November 15th and 16th 1pm-7pm (GMT/BST)/8am-2pm (EST)  
  • Please note that you can get started at anytime, starting online picking the live dates to suit you. We focus on practical forms of hypnosis on these dates. 
Read more and book your place

Mindful Menopause®️

Teacher Training 

This is a groundbreaking approach to hypnosis for menopause. I've taken the key elements of my hypnobirthing course that have been so successful and have created a unique programme for menopause exploring, mindset, hormones, beliefs expectations, and specific techniques for aspects of menopause that can be used alongside HRT as well as for those who cannot or don't wish to take HRT. 

My approach is an integrative and flexible one that enables each practitioner to explore the breadth of hypnotherapeutic application to peri-menopause and beyond.

My focus is on:
  • evidence based practice 
  • mindset tools, building confidence with hypnosis and looking at mindset maintenance. 
  • the inter-influences of hormones and difference presenting issues, leading to better outcomes. 
  • Creating opportunities to enhance deeper work for specific issues such as hot flushes
  • flexibility of tools and techniques for a positive peri-menopause 
  • clear distinction between mindfulness and hypnosis
You'll be given a structure that also helps you to hold your clients safely with fantastic professionally illustrated resources and carefully drafted scripts. 
Your clients will also get heavily discounted access to an extended online course with tracks to support their growth through peri-menopause. 
If you are a hypnotherapists, coaches, yoga teachers, doulas, midwives, psychologists, doctors. Some are also mothers who have experienced hypnobirthing themselves and want to create a business they build up around their family. 

Dates are up for 2025!

  • a six session course that you can teach to groups over a 6 week period, or privately as a package. 

  • scripts, suggestion guidance and techniques for one to one sessions on specific aspects of peri-menopause

  • a protocol for planning menopause intentionally which can be taught as a specific offer

  • You'll also get a practitioners manual and a copy of my book Mindful Menopause

    You'll also get 12 months free access to my business support package which includes:
  • an online portal with handouts, resources, tracks and scripts
  • access to an app with the course on 
  • trademark use of Mindful Menopause™️ when teaching the course
  • Use of the Mindful Menopause badge 
  • on a list of verified teachers that are recommended as part of my online menopause course. (coming soon)

  • reduced ongoing access annually of £75 (£500 for those I haven't trained)
  • the ability to make money as an affiliate

This will help grow your practice around women's health and give you insight into how you can work more flexibly on issues such as sleep, weight, hot flushes and brain fog. 


May 3rd and 4th - 10 - 5.00pm  Face to face, Grantham 6 spaces available. 

 October 3rd and 4th 9.30 - 4pm (Friday and Saturday)

This course is currently only open to clinical hypnotherapists, counsellors psychologists and coaches and is limited to just 8 spaces. 

Book a place on any of the above courses

Not sure, got some questions? Ask!

Book a free 15 minute clarity call in if you want to have a chat about training with me.
I'd like to ask you to some questions