Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking with Hypnotherapy

Aug 23, 2024

Public speaking is a common anxiety trigger for many people, but it doesn’t have to hold you back. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective way of transforming this fear allowing you to sspeak in public with confidence and ease.

Emily's Journey from Fear to Confidence

To illustrate how hypnotherapy can address public speaking anxiety, let me share a hypothetical example of someone named Emily. While Emily is not a real person, her story is representative of people who struggle with similar challenges.

Emily is a talented marketing executive with a promising career. Despite her skills and expertise, Emily has a crippling fear of public speaking. The mere thought of presenting in front of an audience causes her to experience severe anxiety—racing heart, sweaty palms, and a shaky voice. This fear begins to impact her professional life, leading her to avoid opportunities that require public speaking and stalling her career progression.

Emily’s anxiety is rooted in a traumatic experience from her school days, where she forgot her lines during a play and faced ridicule from her peers. This incident left a deep imprint on her subconscious mind, associating public speaking with fear and embarrassment.

Understanding the Fear

Public speaking anxiety, often termed glossophobia, stems from various sources. It might be the fear of judgement, the pressure to perform, or past negative experiences that have embedded themselves in your subconscious mind. These fears manifest physically—racing heart, sweaty palms, shaky voice—making it challenging to present effectively.

Even though you know that you have more knowledge than everyone in the room, and that are an expert in what you do,  the deeper part of your brain that equates this experience with threat based on past experiences takes over and triggers what is simply a survival response. 

Blood rushes to your arms and your legs so you can fight or runaway  - this means that the brain is a non-essential organ in these moments, which is why brain fog can descend and make it harder to recall information that you know so well.

The Power of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy works by addressing the root cause of your fear deep in the old part of the brain that is responsible for automatic responses.  Unlike traditional therapy, which often focuses on conscious thoughts and behaviours, hypnotherapy dives deeper into your mind, where these anxieties are rooted.

Here’s how hypnotherapy helped Emily:


  1. Releasing Negative Associations: Through hypnotherapy, we identified and released the negative connections from her past traumatic experience, replacing them with empowering beliefs.

  2. Imagery and Visualisation: In a state of deep hypnosis Emily’s mind became more open to positive suggestions. She was guided to imagine successful speaking experiences, helping to reframe her subconscious mind's response to public speaking.

  3. Building Confidence: Hypnotherapy helped instil a sense of confidence and calm in Emily. She practised affirmations and positive visualisations, creating a new, confident narrative around public speaking.

The Hypnotherapy Process

Let’s walk through a typical hypnotherapy session focused on public speaking anxiety:

  1. Initial Consultation: We discussed Emily’s specific fears and experiences. Understanding her unique triggers helped tailor the hypnotherapy session to her needs.  In this early stage I'll also start to use light hypnosis techniques based on what arises. 

  2. Induction: Emily was guided into a state of deep relaxation, either through rapid hypnosis, or deep relaxation techniques with guided imagery. This step prepared her mind to accept positive suggestions.

  3. Therapeutic Suggestions: While in this relaxed state of hypnosis, I used carefully crafted suggestions and visualisations to address her fears and to release any previous experiences that may bee the foot cause. Then Emily visualised herself speaking confidently to an audience, feeling composed and articulate.

  4. Awakening: Emily was gently brought back to full awareness, often feeling relaxed and refreshed, carrying with her the newfound sense of confidence.

  5. Rapid hypnosis and neural rewiring: There are some fantastic rapid tools that I used to address the parts of her that knew she could and the part of her that doubted she could and we added some anchoring alongside self-hypnosis to use before she went on to do her talk. 

  6. Reinforcement: Positive affirmations and suggestions were reinforced to help solidify the new, empowering beliefs about public speaking.

Emily's Transformation

After several hypnotherapy sessions, Emily began to notice significant changes. She felt more at ease when speaking in meetings and even volunteered to present at a company-wide event. Her newfound confidence not only improved her public speaking skills but also enhanced her overall professional presence.

Embrace Your Potential

The journey to overcoming the fear of public speaking is deeply personal and transformative. Hypnotherapy offers a gentle yet powerful approach to rewriting the narrative of fear and embracing your full potential. Imagine stepping onto the stage, feeling composed and confident, ready to share your message with the world.

If you’re ready to begin this journey, book a free clarity call with me today. Together, we can unlock the confident speaker within you.

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